About ADI

Welcome to Africa Development Incubators

Africa Development Incubators connects all Africans, businesses, associations Governmental and non-Governmental Organzations, Actors of development and any other form of Organizations,
in every corner of the world, who are willing to participate partially or fully to the global development of Africa.
Apart from having very specific goals to achieve, we are succeeding to create an atmosphere, where any person willing to change Africa can have access to a new resource created called ADI.
This new resources have a huge number of benefits for everyone.


"Our Mission is to reincarnate Africa. We aspire to improve, invent or reinvent every single aspect necessary to build the Africa africans desire.
Alongside, we will thus make ADI be the natural resource accessible by everyone for a much more better Africa life."

Our Goal


Africa Development Incubators sensitize the african population in several aspects of life including Engineering, Finance, Leadership, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare.
Sensitization is like a form of additional education with great aim to help maximize the power of visualization of africans.
We believe that if a student at college visualizes deep in his heart that he or she wants to become an Engineer, then there will be no need for the parent to beat the student when he is playing. Since the student will exactly have his objective in mind untill he achieve it.
All successful people today, wether being a teacher, a doctor, an engineer, a university student, etc have achieve it due to this visualization power.
Africa Development Incubators bring this power to every single african.

Social projects

ADI plans, design, organize, implement and manage any form of social projects propose by any African. Beginning small, we select some social projects received as proporsal and choose which project we shall implement within a specific timeframe.
After full execution of the project, we decide all together about the next social project. As we grow, we aspire to realize multiple well coordonated projects in parallel.
The choice of our social projects are done in an easily understandable manner.

Network of Network

As Africans, we generally know the life expression: "We are someone behind someone ". As ADI, the general life expression follows: "We are someone behind everyone". ADI gives you the possibility to have access to any person you desire for your success.
Whether you need a qualified or under qualified person for your business, you need someone a contact to a place you are heading to, you need an advisor, you need friends, you need business partners, etc.
In fact any desire you have to achieve your goals is provided by ADI, especially when you also insert effort for the development of Africa.

Current members

ADI is currently having about 500 direct members and 1000 indirect members with whom we work to push the development of Africa forward.
We have members coming from over 30 countries including North Korea, Mali, South Africa, Turkey, Germany, Cameroon, Usa, etc
who are all willing to strongly participate for the development of Africa. The activities we carry on with those members are to be concretely implemented in African countries including Cameroon.

We are always happy to grow our network so as to easily achieve our objectives. We believe that when one billion Africans
insert one hour for the development of Africa, we are having one billion hours. Believe ADI, this makes us to achieve 100 years objectives within months.
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Assist us to make life much more better for millions of africans!!!

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